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Aeration Fine Bubble Disc Diffuser Bubble Diffuser Disc Membrane Aerator System Bakeng sa Aquaculture Water Recycle

Sistimi ea moea

Aeration Fine Bubble Disc Diffuser Bubble Diffuser Disc Membrane Aerator System Bakeng sa Aquaculture Water Recycle

Disc air diffuser e na le mokhoa o ikhethileng oa ho petsoha le sebopeho se petsohileng se qhalakanyang lipululana tsa moea ka tsela e ntle haholo le e ts'oanang, e bakang ts'ebetso e phahameng ea phetisetso ea oksijene. Li-valve tsa ho hlahloba tse sebetsang hantle le tse kopantsoeng li lumella sebaka sa aeration hore se koaloe habonolo bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa moea / off. E sebetsa holim'a mefuta e mengata ea ho phalla ha moea 'me e hloka tlhokomelo e fokolang bakeng sa ts'ebetso ea nako e telele.


    Kenyelletso ea Sehlahisoa

    Diaphragm microporous aerator ke mofuta o mocha oa sesebelisoa sa moea o entsoeng ka bo-1980. Sesebelisoa se na le bophara bo nyane ba bubble ea aeration, bophara bo bonyenyane ba mokelikeli oa khase, sebaka se seholo sa sehokelo sa khase-metsi, phallo e ts'oanang ea bubble, 'me ha e na monyetla oa ho koala masoba. Ho ea ka Shanghai Tongji The School of Environmental Engineering ea Univesithi le North China Design Institute of Municipal Engineering li ile tsa etsa liteko tsa oksijene ea metsi le likhoerekhoere, 'me li' nile tsa sebelisoa ke basebelisi ba bangata ka lilemo tse ngata ka liphello tse ntle (tšebeliso ea matla e tlaase ho feta lihlahisoa tse tloaelehileng. tse kang fixed spiral aerators, diffuse flow aerators le perforated tube aerators) Fokotsa ka 40%, kapa eketsa matla a ho hloekisa likhoerekhoere ka 40%). E loketse ka ho khetheha bakeng sa likhoerekhoere tsa litoropo le katoloso e kholo ea fektheri le nchafatso ea litanka tsa khale tsa aeration, 'me litanka tsa aeration li ka sebetsa nako le nako.


    Sebopeho sa mochine



    Ho arola lintho tse bonahalang

    1. Rabara ea EPDM:
    E entsoe ka mochini oa compression ka pheko e tloaelehileng, litaba tsa polasetiki tse tlase le 1mm kapa 2mm perforations.
    Ho bopa ha compression ho lisebelisoa tsa sejoale-joale ho sebelisa li-thermocouples tse ikemetseng le theknoloji ea vacuum ho netefatsa tlhahiso ea lihlahisoa tse phetoang, tsa boleng bo holimo.
    2. Silicone
    Li-membrane tsa silicone li na le mocheso o phahameng le khanyetso ea lik'hemik'hale ho fapana le lihlahisoa tse ling. Silicon ke ntho e sa sebetseng 'me ka hona e na le khanyetso e ntle ho litšila tse ngata tsa manyolo. Foromo ea rona e etselitsoe ho hanela ho taboha le ho thella ha re ntse re etsa lipululana tsa moea tse nang le tahlehelo ea hlooho e itekanetseng.
    3. Polytetrafluoroethylene
    PTFE top layer e sireletsa EPDM substrate ho tloha tlhaselo ea lik'hemik'hale ha e ntse e fokotsa haholo
    Litšila tse holim'a lera. Hape re ithutile hore li-membrane tsa EPDM tse koahetsoeng ke PTFE li tšoarella ho feta EPDM e tloaelehileng, ho etsa
    Ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa potoloho ea bophelo. E sebelisoa ke litoropo tse kholo lefats'eng ka bophara ka lebaka la melemo e lebelletsoeng ea litšenyehelo tsa potoloho ea bophelo le tlhokomelo e fokotsehileng.

    Maemo a Kopo

    1.Aeration ea fishpond le lisebelisoa tse ling
    2.Aeration ea sekotlolo se tebileng sa aeration
    3.Aeration bakeng sa mantle le setsi sa ho hloekisa metsi a litšila tsa liphoofolo
    4.Aeration bakeng sa denitrification / dephosphorization mekhoa ea aerobic
    5.Aeration bakeng sa sekoaelo se phahameng sa metsi a litšila, le aeration bakeng sa ho laola letamo la setsi sa ho hloekisa metsi a litšila.
    6.Aeration bakeng sa SBR,MBBR reaction Basin,contact oxidation
    • kopo (1)ghn
    • kopo (2)bv1
    • kopo (3)k7e