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Lisebelisoa tse kopaneng tsa mbr membrane bioreactor tsa metsi a likhoerekhoere bakeng sa hotele ea lireschorente tsa sepetlele

Phekolo ea likhoerekhoere

Lisebelisoa tse kopaneng tsa mbr membrane bioreactor tsa metsi a likhoerekhoere bakeng sa hotele ea lireschorente tsa sepetlele

Sephutheloana sa ho hloekisa metsi a litšila, Setsi sa Ts'ebetso ea likhoerekhoere se sebelisoang hape bakeng sa nosetso se amohelang theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea Baeloji le sephetho sa khamphani sa lipatlisiso tsa mahlale le sephetho sa boenjiniere, se ka tlosa BOD5,COD le NH3-N ka nepo.


    Kenyelletso ea lisebelisoa

    Sesebelisoa se khetholloa ke ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng, phekolo e sebetsang, matsete a moruo, ts'ebetso e ikemetseng, boiketlo ba tlhokomelo le sebaka se senyenyane sa ho lula. Ha ho hlokahale ho aha, leha e le ho boloka mocheso le mocheso. Sebaka se ka sebelisoa e le mobu o motala kapa sebaka se sekoere. Hape se ka behoa fatše ho latela tlhoko ea moreki. E le sesebelisoa se sebetsang hantle ka ho fetisisa sa likhoerekhoere, se sebelisoa haholo ho phekola likhoerekhoere sebakeng sa lihotele tse phahameng, literekeng tsa metsaneng le literekeng tsa bolulo, liindasteri, libaka tsa phomolo joalo-joalo. nosetso ho ipapisitsoe le tlhoko ea bareki ea maemo a metsi.



    (1) Lihotele, reschorente, lisanatorium, sepetlele, sekolo, lifolete, lits'ebeletso tsa khoebo, kalafo e litšila;
    (2) Sechaba sa bolulo, setereke sa villa, motsaneng, toropo, kalafo e litšila;
    (3) Seteishene, boema-fofane, boema-kepe le boema-kepe effulent kalafo;
    (4) Feme, morafo, sesole, botle letheba effful kalafo;
    (5) Mefuta eohle ea likhoerekhoere tsa liindasteri tse tšoanang le li-effulent tse phelang tsa malapeng, joalo-joalo


    Mokhoa oa ho sebetsa

    Metsi a likhoerekhoere a kena ka har'a marang-rang hantle pele, 'me ka mor'a ho tlosa ntho e nyenyane ho grille, e kena ka tanka e laolang, e fetola boleng ba metsi le bongata, ebe e pompeloa tanka ea sedimentation ea mantlha ka pompo ea lifti. Metsi a litšila a phallela tanka ea Class A biological contact oxidation bakeng sa acidification hydrolysis le nitrification. Denitrification, fokotsa bongata ba lintho tse phelang, tlosa karolo ea ammonia nitrogen, 'me joale kenya O-level biological contact oxidation tanka bakeng sa aerobic biochemical reaction. Boholo ba lintho tse silafatsang tsa tlhaho li senngoa ke biooxidation, 'me metsi a phallang ho ea tanka ea bobeli ea sedimentation bakeng sa phekolo ea metsi a tiileng. Ka mor'a ho arohana, supernatant ea tanka ea sedimentation e phalla ka har'a tanka ea metsi e hlakileng, 'me thepa ea ho thibela likokoana-hloko e sebelisetsoa ho bolaea libaktheria tse kotsi ka metsing le ho fihla ho tsoa ho tloaelehileng.


    Karolo Tsebisa

    1. Hydrolysis acidification tank. Ho bolokoa ha metsi a litšila ka tanka ea hydrolysis ho na le ts'ebetso ea ho belisoa ha anaerobic, e ka ntlafatsang le ho ntlafatsa biodegradability ea metsi a litšila, ho ntlafatsa sekhahla sa karabelo ea lik'hemik'hale tsa biochemical, ho khutsufatsa nako ea karabelo ea biochemical, ho fokotsa tšebeliso ea matla le litšenyehelo tsa ts'ebetso.
    2. Metsi a tsoang tanka ea ho kopana le oxidation hydrolytic acidification tanka a phallela ho tanka ea oxidation bakeng sa kalafo ea biochemical. Tanka ea oxidation e arotsoe ka mekhahlelo e 'meli. Boholo ba lintho tse phelang ka har'a likhoerekhoere tse tala li senyeha 'me li hloekisoa mona. Libaktheria tsa aerobic li nka filler e le mojari 'me li sebelisa lintho tse phelang ka har'a likhoerekhoere e le lijo tsa ho senya lintho tse phelang ka har'a likhoerekhoere hore li be teng, e le hore li finyelle morero oa ho hloekisa. Ho phela ha libaktheria tsa aerobic ho tlameha ho ba le oksijene e lekaneng, ke hore, ho na le oksijene e lekaneng e qhibilihisitsoeng ka har'a likhoerekhoere ho fihlela sepheo sa kalafo ea biochemical.
    3. Ka mor'a ho phekoloa ka biological contact oxidation tank, metsi a litšila a tsoang ka tanka ea sedimentation a phallela ka tanka ea sedimentation ka boeona ho tsoela pele ho tlosa biofilm e arohaneng le likaroloana tse nyenyane tsa organic le inorganic. Tanka ea sedimentation e itšetlehile ka molao-motheo oa matla a khoheli. Ha likhoerekhoere tse nang le lintho tse tiileng tse emisitsoeng li phalla ho tloha tlase ho ea holimo, taba ena e potlakisoa ke matla a khoheli. Mokelikeli ka mor'a hore ho be le sedimentation ka tanka ea sedimentation e hlakile haholoanyane ebile e hlakile. Karolo e ka tlase e na le sebaka sa conical sedimentation le sesebelisoa sa ho phahamisa seretse, 'me seretse se oeleng se phahamisetsoa ho tanka ea tšilo ea lijo ka ho phahamisa moea.
    4. Letlapa le feteletseng le ntšitsoeng ka tanka ea sedimentation ea sludge aerobic digestion tank ea sludge le ho tsitsisoa ka har'a tanka ea sludge ea aerobic ho fokotsa bongata ba seretse le ho ntlafatsa botsitso ba seretse. Bongata ba seretse ka mor'a tšilo ea aerobic bo nyane, kahoo teraka e monyang e ka sebelisoa ho tloha lesobeng la tlhahlobo ea tanka ea seretse ho ea tlase ho tanka ea seretse bakeng sa ho huloa, ebe e ka isoa kantle (ho hloekisa hang halofo ea selemo. ).