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Industrial wastewater can be directly used for fish farming after "regeneration". Overseas Chinese media praised that China's environmental protection industry has entered the "fast lane"


Industrial wastewater can be directly used for fish farming after "regeneration". Overseas Chinese media praised that China's environmental protection industry has entered the "fast lane"


"What standard can your industrial wastewater meet?"

"We use advanced pollution control technology and perfect environmental protection facilities, and the treated wastewater can be directly used for fish farming."

This is a conversation that took place in Tongnan, Chongqing on July 8. Tu Xinshi, president of the US China-US Post, who participated in the "Walking China 2024 Overseas Chinese Media Sichuan and Chongqing Tour" event, raised questions while visiting the Chongqing Juke Environmental Protection Electroplating Industrial Park. She Min, director of the General Department of Chongqing Juke Environmental Protection Co., Ltd., gave him a shocking answer.

"From a small screw to a large car, airplane, ship, etc., electroplating is indispensable." She Min said that the electroplating industry is not only difficult to be cancelled or replaced, but also has continuous new breakthroughs in the fields of electronics, aerospace, etc., but the electroplating process will produce wastewater containing heavy metals and other pollutants, which is difficult to treat.

At present, most of the electroplating parks put into operation in China are only equipped with sewage treatment plants, and those with better conditions are equipped with water plants, but the sludge produced at the tail end cannot be treated in the park and needs to be transported to qualified enterprises. Chongqing Environmental Protection Electroplating Industrial Park connects all links of the entire industrial chain, and truly achieves resource-based and harmless treatment of sewage and sludge within the park.

According to reports, Chongqing Environmental Protection Electroplating Industrial Park also provides standardized sewage supporting services for metal appearance processing companies, various metal electroplating and plastic molding processing companies, creating an excellent supporting processing and production base for the IT industry, automobile industry, and TV display manufacturing industry

It is reported that Tongnan District is located in the heart of the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin Cities Economic Circle, and is the "main battlefield" for Chongqing to promote new industrialization and expand and strengthen advanced manufacturing. Chongqing Environmental Protection Electroplating Industrial Park, located in Tongnan High-tech Zone, is an environmental protection park for the entire electroplating industry chain, and currently has nearly 50 companies settled in. She Min said that the park mainly provides environmental protection support for important surface treatment in the electronic information industry, automobile and motorcycle industry, and equipment manufacturing industry: "The park plans to introduce 150 high-end electroplating surface treatment companies. After reaching full production, the output value will reach 5 billion yuan, and the industry will drive more than 10 billion yuan."

At the scene, Tu Xinshi told reporters: "Only by taking environmental protection technology innovation as the core and comprehensively promoting the development of green productivity can the environmental protection industry truly "escort" the manufacturing industry."

"Under the background of green and low-carbon transformation, China's environmental protection industry has entered the "fast lane." Wang Ping, deputy editor-in-chief of "French Overseas Chinese News", lamented after the visit that the park has not only reduced the comprehensive cost of wastewater treatment by establishing a unified wastewater treatment system, but also allowed companies to focus more on product research and development, technology upgrades and increasing product added value, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry on the "green track".